# in components/Phone/NotifyCall.tcl # How shall the phone be dispayed: slot|dialog set ::config(phone,notify,type) dialog # in components/AutoUpdate.tcl set ::config(autoupdate,do) 1 set ::config(autoupdate,url) $urlEN set ::config(autoupdate,urlFormat) $urlFormat set ::config(autoupdate,interval) "1 day ago" # in components/NotifyOnline.tcl set ::config(notifyonline,do) 0 set ::config(notifyonline,url) $url # in components/Mood.tcl # Shall we display all moods in menus or just a subset? set ::config(mood,showall) 1 # in components/MeBeam.tcl # Where shall the MeBeam menu be? set ::config(mebeam,menu-action) 0 set ::config(mebeam,menu-roster) 1 # in jabber/RosterTree.tcl # How should JIDs be formatted before export to DnD? # Alternative "xmpp:%s?message" set ::config(rost,dnd-xmpp-uri-format) "xmpp:%s" # in jabber/Disco.tcl set ::config(disco,show-head-on-result) 1 set ::config(disco,add-server-show-head) 1 set ::config(disco,add-server-autolist) 1 # Shall we return private ip info in disco info? set ::config(disco,info-ip) 1 # Shall we disco-info an item when selected if not done before? set ::config(disco,get-info-onselect) 1 # If number children smaller than this do disco#info. set ::config(disco,info-limit) 12 # Shall we cache disco-info results? set ::config(disco,cache-info) 1 # in jabber/Search.tcl # Search all search services with this login server. # If not we search max one. set ::config(search,slot-all) 1 # in jabber/SetupAss.tcl # We could be much more general here... set ::config(setupass,page,server) 1 set ::config(setupass,password-required) 0 set ::config(setupass,public-servers) 1 # in jabber/Login.tcl # Config settings. # Controls which fields in login dialog to use. set ::config(login,style) "jid" ;# jid | username | parts | jidpure # Shall we allow 'more' options? set ::config(login,more) 1 set ::config(login,profiles) 0 ;# this leads to an inconsistent state! # Shall dialog options be saved to profile automatically? set ::config(login,autosave) 0 set ::config(login,autoregister) 0 # Shall we use DNS SRV/TXT lookups? set ::config(login,dnssrv) 1 set ::config(login,dnstxthttp) 1 set ::config(login,show-head) 1 # Shall we ask the user to save the current options as default for this # profile if different? set ::config(login,ask-save-profile) 1 # in jabber/Roster.tcl # How to display multiple available resources. # highest-prio : only the one with highest priority # all : all set ::config(roster,multi-resources) "highest-prio" # in jabber/Chat.tcl # Shall we allow multiple chat threads (and dialogs, tabs) per JID? set ::config(chat,allow-multi-thread-per-jid) 0 # If we initiate a chat when already have one, keep same window. set ::config(chat,start-jid-same) 1 # Show the head label. set ::config(chat,show-head) 1 # Control how the ancient XEP-0022 (jabber:x:event) is handled. set ::config(chat,use-xevents) 1 # Set subject on Return. set ::config(chat,subject-on-return) 1 # Set subject on FocusOut. set ::config(chat,subject-on-focusout) 0 # Revoke subject on FocusOut. set ::config(chat,subject-focusout-revoke) 0 # Control how chat state notification is handled. set ::config(chat,notify-send) 1 set ::config(chat,notify-recv) 1 set ::config(chat,notify-show) 1 # Default focus widget when haven't any cached focus for this pane. set ::config(chat,default-focus) "wsubject" # Shall we display presence changes in history? set ::config(chat,hist-presence) 0 set ::config(chat,use-xevents) 0 set ::config(chat,notify-send) 0 set ::config(chat,notify-recv) 0 set ::config(chat,notify-show) 0 # Allow themed chats. set ::config(chat,try-themed) 1 # in jabber/Rosticons.tcl # Define which iconsets that shall be active by default. set ::config(rost,theme,use,application) 1 set ::config(rost,theme,use,phone) 1 set ::config(rost,theme,use,user) 1 # Define which icons must always be displayed. set ::config(rost,theme,must,application) 1 set ::config(rost,theme,must,phone) 1 set ::config(rost,theme,must,user) 1 # in jabber/MUC.tcl set ::config(muc,show-head-invite) 1 set ::config(muc,show-head-info) 1 # in jabber/JUI.tcl # Configurations: # http adresses to home and bug tracker. set ::config(url,home) "http://thecoccinella.org" set ::config(url,bugs) "https://bugs.launchpad.net/coccinella/+filebug" # Type of status menu button. set ::config(ui,status,menu) dynamic ;# plain|dynamic # This just sets the initial prefs value. set ::config(ui,main,infoType) server ;# mejid|mejidres|status|server # Experimental... set ::config(ui,main,slots) 0 set ::config(ui,main,combi-status) 0 set ::config(ui,main,toy-status) 1 set ::config(ui,main,toy-status-slots) 1 set ::config(ui,main,combibox) 0 # Let the slots slide up/down. Performance issues with this. set ::config(ui,main,slots-slide) 1 # Simplified slide widget which just shows an empty frame for the panel. set ::config(ui,main,slots-slide-fake) 1 set ::config(ui,aqua-text) 1 set ::config(ui,aqua-text) 0 # in jabber/UserInfo.tcl set ::config(userinfo,disco) 0 # in jabber/AutoAway.tcl # Shall we allow the user to have autoaway on "hidden chat tabs". set ::config(aa,on-hidden-tabs) 0 # Send global busy presence if we have many tabs open. set ::config(aa,busy-chats) 1 # in jabber/MegaPresence.tcl set ::config(megapresence,pack-side) right set ::config(megapresence,equal-size) 1 # in jabber/Subscribe.tcl # Show head label in subcription dialog. set ::config(subscribe,show-head) 1 # Use name and group in dialog? set ::config(subscribe,show-nick-group) 0 # Use name and group as drop down fields in multi-dlg? set ::config(subscribe,show-nick-group-multi) 0 # In the normal subscription dialog, where shall the vcard button be? # If we don't show nickname then "nqme" wont display either. set ::config(subscribe,ui-vcard-pos) "button" ;# name | button # Millis to wait for a second subsciption request to show in multi dialog. set ::config(subscribe,multi-wait-ms) 2000 # Use the multi dialog for batches of subscription requests. set ::config(subscribe,multi-dlg) 1 # Set a timer dialog instead of just straight auto accepting. # This just shows a plain dialog for each request. # NB: string catalogs must be updated if using this. set ::config(subscribe,auto-accept-plain) 0 # Set a timer dialog instead of just straight auto rejecting. # This just shows a plain dialog for each request. # NB: string catalogs must be updated if using this. set ::config(subscribe,auto-reject-plain) 0 # Sets the number of millisecs the dialog starts its countdown. set ::config(subscribe,accept-after) 10000 set ::config(subscribe,reject-after) 10000 # Shall we send a message to user when one of the auto dispatchers done. set ::config(subscribe,auto-accept-send-msg) 0 set ::config(subscribe,auto-reject-send-msg) 0 # Experimental: # NB: buggy on Aqua 8.4.9 set ::config(subscribe,exp-scrollframe) $nonAqua # Millis to wait for a second subsciption request to show in multi dialog. set ::config(subscribed,multi-wait-ms) 4000 # Use the multi dialog for batches of subscription requests. set ::config(subscribed,multi-dlg) 1 # Use a fancy dialog for queued 'subscribed' events. # The "unfancy" one doesn't have its text in catalog. set ::config(subscribed,fancy-dlg) 1 # in jabber/Profiles.tcl # Configurations: # This is a way to hardcode some or all of the profile. Same format. # Public APIs must cope with this. Both Get and Set functions. # If 'do' then there MUST be valid values in config array. set ::config(profiles,do) 0 set ::config(profiles,profiles) [list] set ::config(profiles,selected) [list] set ::config(profiles,prefspanel) 1 set ::config(profiles,style) "jid" ;# jid | parts set ::config(profiles,show-head) 1 set ::config(profiles,ask-register-on-new) 1 # When we remove a profile shall we be asked to also unregister account? set ::config(profiles,ask-unregister-on-rm) 1 set ::config(profiles,display-in-prefs) 0 set ::config(profiles,font-size) normal ;# normal | small set ::config(profiles,warn-on-cancel) 1 # in jabber/Status.tcl # @@@ Maybe these should go in the resource options database instead? set ::config(status,menu,len) 8 set ::config(status,menu,entry,len) 24 set ::config(status,menu,dynamic,shows) {away} set ::config(status,menu,separator) "- " # in jabber/Register.tcl set ::config(registerex,server) "" set ::config(registerex,autoget) 0 set ::config(registerex,autologin) 1 set ::config(registerex,savepassword) 1 set ::config(registerex,show-head) 1 # Show head label. set ::config(genregister,show-head) 1 # Use simplified dialog layout if server given. set ::config(genregister,server-simple) 1 # in jabber/Jabber.tcl # Dialogs with head label. set ::config(version,show-head) 1 set ::config(logout,show-head) 1 set ::config(subscribe,trpt-msgbox) 0 # This is a method to show fake caps responses. set ::config(caps,fake) 0 set ::config(caps,node) "" set ::config(caps,vers) "" # Method to fake jabber:iq.version response. set ::config(vers,full) "" # XEP-0092: Software Version; # ...an application MUST provide a way for a human user or administrator to # disable sharing of information about the operating system. set ::config(vers,show-os) 0 set ::config(caps,fake) 1 set ::config(caps,node) "http://www.microsoft.com/msn" set ::config(caps,vers) "9.9" set ::config(vers,full) "9.9" # in jabber/JUser.tcl # Configurations: # Details of how to handle menubutton selection for non-xmpp systems. set ::config(adduser,warn-non-xmpp-onselect) 0 set ::config(adduser,add-non-xmpp-onselect) 1 set ::config(adduser,dlg-type-ask-register) yesnocancel # How transports are listed and handled in menubutton. set ::config(adduser,trpt-spec-type) single ;# multi|single # Show head label in dialog. set ::config(adduser,show-head) 1 # Use name and group in dialog? set ::config(adduser,show-nick-group) 0 # in jabber/GroupChat.tcl # Shall we automatically rejoin open groupchat on login? set ::config(groupchat,login-autojoin) 1 # As jprefs??? set ::config(groupchat,show-sysmsgs) 1 # in whiteboard/Whiteboard.tcl set ::config(wb,status-label) 0 # in lib/UI.tcl # Hardcoded configurations. set ::config(ui,pruneMenus) {} # in lib/Init.tcl # Mutually exclusive. set ::config(prefs,sameDrive) 0 set ::config(prefs,sameDir) 1