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Voice calling Google Talk?

Is coccinella able to do voice chat with Google Talk clients or not? This is not stated anywhere in the site. It appears to be so at first, but in my trials the call command is grayed-out. I think the situation has to be stated in the documentation.


No, it is not (yet) possible. Coccinella only supports IAX for VoIP. For voice chat with Google Talk, support for Jingle ICE Transport should be added to Coccinella and Google Talk should become comptible with the XEP (which is currently not the case AFAIK).

Mvg, Sander Devrieze.

This now is in the FAQ:

I also added an entry to the new bug tracker:

Note that this does not means calling with Google Talk will be supported soon. Probably Google Talk should update to stable Jingle XEPs first, plus the libjingle library should be easier (iaxclient is much easier Mats said...maybe he will blog about this one time in the future)

Mvg, Sander Devrieze.