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Feature request: Auto selecting servers...

first: I'm new to jabber, so probably i have missed something...

I have following problem:
- I have set up an OpenFire- server inside our company's intranet.
- I have configured a port- forwarding (5222) from our router to the pc where OpenFire is running
- Now i'm able to use the IM- Client, by using the static IP- adress of our router

-> So IM from internet is no problem

Using jabber from inside the company (Intranet) is no problem, too. I only have to use the routers IP for the jabber- account and to configure a different server inside Coccinella (Local server).

-> So IM from intranet is no problem

But now:
I have several notebooks that are working inside and outside.
For what i have seen, i have the possibility to switch to a different Coccinella- profile, so i can select the internal or the external server.
It is also possible to solve this problem by creating a new DNS- zone at our server, but that's difficult...

Is it possible to bring in a feature, that Coccinella in the first step tries to connect to the first server (The server from the account for example) and then, when it can't get into contact with this, automaticly switches over to the second (Alternative) server and starts connecting again?



It's probably more easy to add the right DNS entries. At least it is a more elegant solution.

So, you should setup an internal DNS server (I have good experiences with MaraDNS). In this DNS server you should point the domain your external clients use to connect to your XMPP server IP. If this IP is different for other services of the company (website, mailserver,...?), you can use a sub domain for your XMPP server.

For example:
Internal DNS configuration: (IP of XMPP server) --> (IP of web server) --> and (IP of mail server) -->

For the external DNS configuration, you can use a domain wildcard: (IP of router) --> *

In this way, you have to use the domain in Coccinella and your XMPP server. Coccinella will work in your LAN, and in the WAN with the same configuration.

Mvg, Sander Devrieze.