The Coccinella project is pleased to announce today the immediate availability of Coccinella 0.96.16, a free and open-source cross-platform communication tool with a built-in whiteboard for improved collaboration with other people. After recent birthdays in the XMPP community, we are proud to highlight that Coccinella turns 10 years old. For those interested, an historic overview is available.
Changes in Coccinella 0.96.16 include:
- Support for XEP-0202 Entity Time enabled (441223).
- Fixed exception on Mac OS X regarding sound device selection (427951).
- Login settings are now saved (180132).
- Wrong password behaviour fixed (147392).
- Fixed exception when some plugins were disabled (456982).
- Removed usage of obsolete clock option -gmt (454856).
- Enter password dialog: no focus (454527).
- When a transport died on the server, a wrong Edit Contact dialog was shown (451037).
- Edit business card dialog can be opened multiple times (179936).
- Login to google-talk with wrong username/password leads to segfault on OpenBSD (460499).
- Business card window, error retrieving client infos (441293).
- Error opening business card dialog when someone has geoloc info enabled (437700).
- Automatic login fails (427809).
- Support for XEP-0145: Annotations (140336).
- Fixed crash due to tkpath library under Mac OS X 10.6.
- Show Tip of the day at startup (145627).
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