When i´m using coccinella with some skins, i can´t see if some buttons are pressed or not.
Skins with this problem:
Then is hard to use some tools with the Whiteboard ord use the chat window (in chat window, i can´t see if i have active history and return).
I also would like mouse cursor change when you change the edit tool in Withboard, for example change arrow with a eraser or with a box, it depend of the tool that´s been used.
Thank you again. I´m starting to like the easy of use of Coccinella and i hope it could be each day a little better.
Bug 159924: Some themes do
Bug 159924: Some themes do not indicate when some buttons are pressed or not
Mvg, Sander Devrieze.
Toolbutton styles
Now: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1825571&group_i...
Bug 159931: Different
Bug 159931: Different cursors for tools