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Coccinella development

Better Breakfast Builds

Green Granny Smith apple with girl
Credit: frischmilch, License: by

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” and thus we've added an apple to your breakfast. Since recently, the daily build breakfast system generates a binary for Mac OS X using the latest development snapshot of Coccinella. Note that this is a Universal binary, which gives you an amazing speed improvement on Intel systems.

And that's not all! Both the Mac OS X build, the Windows build, as well as the Linux build are Tcl/Tk 8.5 powered. One of the highlights in this major Tcl/Tk release is a speed improvement of 10%.

SVG graphics in Tk

The whiteboard in Coccinella has now come one step further to use SVG graphics. Well, it's not there, yet, but an important step has been taken.

Coccinella + Oxygen = Hot!

Main Coccinella window with Oxygen icon theme

Oxygen is one of the hot new features in the brand new KDE release. The good news is that you can make Coccinella fit very well into your new KDE 4.0 desktop, using the new Oxygen theme for Coccinella.

Adding Oxygen to Coccinella is like adding oxygen to fire: the outcome will be hot! Read on to learn how you can warm up your instant messaging experience.

Translators and Bug Hunters: 0.96.4 Next Week!

The release of Coccinella 0.96.4 is scheduled for next week. So, this is your chance to report the bugs you found (in 0.96.2 or 0.96.3, the daily development snapshot). Also, you can still send in your updated or new translation:

Sorry for the short notice. Things are chaotic as always. This time we have a "daily" build system, so you may contribute at any time and get your "own" version for breakfast.

sipub + SVG = true!

That cryptic title means: Stream Initiation using Publish Subscribe and Scalable Vector Graphics are living well together. That didn't made you any wiser, did it? The long story then.


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