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Translators and Bug Hunters: 0.96.4 Next Week!

The release of Coccinella 0.96.4 is scheduled for next week. So, this is your chance to report the bugs you found (in 0.96.2 or 0.96.3, the daily development snapshot). Also, you can still send in your updated or new translation:

Sorry for the short notice. Things are chaotic as always. This time we have a "daily" build system, so you may contribute at any time and get your "own" version for breakfast.

For them who made their homework for the previous release there shouldn't be much to do. I have attached the diff to the previous released en.msg catalog.

If you already have done some work and don't want to start all over again, then just zip up your file and [ add it to our bug tracker ]. I have tools to reprocess them into a new template catalog which you can use as a new starting point.

Best Wishes, The Coccinella team (Mats et al.)


The current translation state is (list will be updated):

  • Czech: updated
  • Danish: ?
  • Dutch: updated
  • English: updated
  • French: ?
  • German: updated
  • Italian: updated
  • Korean: ?
  • Polish: updated
  • Russian: ?
  • Spanish: ?
  • Swedish: updated
Binary Data diff-r-1.99-en.msg3.96 KB
Binary Data msgs.tar.gz511.53 KB
Binary Data msgs0.96.2.tar.gz404.04 KB