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Translate Coccinella 0.96.10

Do you want to translate the upcoming Coccinella 0.96.10, planned for September 24th? Do you want to update any of the existing translations? Or do you just want to see which languages are ranking best? Then read on.

Translation status:

  1. English (en): updated
  2. Dutch (nl): updated
  3. Spanish (es): updated
  4. Italian (it): updated
  5. Czech (cs): updated
  6. German (de): updated
  7. Polish (pl): updated
  8. Swedish (sv): 162 new strings, translator needed!
  9. French (fr): 533 new strings, translator needed!
  10. Korean (ko): 665 new strings, translator needed!
  11. Danish (da): 868 new strings, translator needed!
  12. Russian (ru): 921 new strings, translator needed!

In case you want to update any of the above translations, please contact me, for example by adding a comment to this post. You best do not start right ahead to prevent 2 or more people updating the same translation.

In case you want to contribute a new translation, please download, read the translator instructions starting from step 4, translate the file, and send it to me. Of course, also this time it's a good idea to notify me in advance that you will do the translation. Remember that you don't have to translate all strings at once! You also can just start translating the most important parts of the interface, like menus, the setup assistant, login dialog, chat dialog, and so forth.

Coccinella will be so much easier with your translation!


I want to translate the upcoming Coccinella 0.96.10 into Simplified Chinese, how can I send it to you?

Coccinella 0.96.10 is already released, so your translation will be for the next release. You can send it using Launchpad:

OK, I'm translated Coccinella for 0.96.4 already, but for some reason I'm not share it, I will update it to 0.96.10 as quickly as possible.