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Coccinella website news

Yearly Overview #1

Visits for all visitors (Coccinella website)

Feeling the New Website

The new website is only up and running for a few days, but we already feel the drastic increase of referrals from The following graph is revealing:

Referrals from

Choose Your Hosting Service the Harvard Way

Update: VistaPages has been sold to Millennium Data Systems (HostMDS).

From Evil to Hell

Evil Chucky doll
Credit: luisvilla, License: by

Less than a fortnight ago, I wrote about evil. This week, I write about hell and how Harvard's insights will help you to avoid a customer hell.

But first I want to add to last week's evil story that I was informed by a reliable source that 'Google would have preferred XMPP Federation, but that AOL was only willing to agree to a multiprotocol approach'.

This is no traditional review. Information is made as generally applicable as possible so that you can perfectly read this review without having any interest in a VistaPages review or whatever web host review. Hence, you may call this a 'tutorial review' or whatever you prefer.

8 Years and More: The Roots of Coccinella

Birthday balloons for Coccinella
Credit: D. Bell, License: by-nc

Exactly 8 years ago, on the 1st of December 1999, the first official release of an application called Whiteboard was released. In 2003, Whiteboard was renamed into Coccinella. Happy 8th birthday Coccinella!

Read on for a more complete history of 'the beginning' and to read about Coccinella's birthday presents.

The Silence of the Comments

You may wonder why none of the questions in the Coccinella forum were answered. You may also question yourself why no comments has been made to blog posts. Is the Coccinella project really so silent? No, the reason is simple: comments were just not visible for anonymous users.

When I was IM'ing with someone this morning, I gave him a link to a comment with a possible workaround for his problem. He said he couldn't see the workaround. Ooops! It came out I forgot to give anonymous users access to comments. My mistake.


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